Why The Honey Badger

The philosophy behind the Honey Badger is simple… it’s a ruthless adversary that has built a reputation on its fearlessness, ferocity and ability to defeat opponents despite the odds. Sajen Legal has performed likewise.

It’s what we do and we what we’ve become.


Sajen Legal has governed itself by three solid principles;

  1. To build and protect its clients and their business;
  2. To provide its members with a happy and prosperous environment in which to work and learn; and
  3. To contribute in a lasting and valuable way to the community in which it’s clients and members live.

We are not the grey-suited living dead shackled to our time sheet. We wear the professional and ethical responsibilities of our profession with pride, the right thing done the right way. The ability to recognize and value those responsibilities is a distinct advantage in a crowded marketplace where information is free but the skill to utilize that information is a rare commodity.

Sajen legal rejects the traditional approach of law firms. The old school attitude requires every client and every matter to be profitable. It is an approach that has proven to be an abject failure benefitting neither clients nor lawyers. It is an approach that treats clients as the enemy who should wear all the risk.

Sajen legal offer innovation and genuine value. Through the Sajen Accord and Sajen Warranty, we are able to reintroduce genuine value into the relationships we have with all of our clients. Not only have we been able to add real value, Sajen has removed the risk for clients that usually comes with retaining a lawyer.

Sajen legal rejects the traditional approach of law firms.

A parting shot from the Honey Badger – Sajen Legal

In the legal profession, it is very easy to fall into the trap of taking oneself all too seriously. As the natural world’s most fearless animal the Honey Badger is emblematic of what we do on a daily basis. “Honey Badger don’t give a shit’ or ‘Honey Badger don’t care’ is a common refrain in pop culture. But rather than reflecting some lack of interest, it, in fact, represents the very essence of what we do as lawyers. The Honey Badger represents that vital independence and lack of self-interest that we must bring to our profession. The need to not ‘give a shit’ for yourself and get on with the job.

We love the profession of law and everything it is supposed to stand for. And it is that love of the law, which drives us to be better than what we have been. And the Honey Badger is our symbol that represents all that it takes to be better.

This is a small part of a larger piece. A fraction of the manifesto. You should check in on it sometime (below). Read it, drop by – we’ll talk.

Read the full adventures of the Honey Badger or Get in Touch

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