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Business Restructuring

If you’re in business long enough, chances are you’ll be involved in a dispute of one sort or another. And the way the legal system works, sometimes it doesn’t even matter whether you’re in the right. The costs alone of fighting a claim can sink some companies. It’s vital your business structure is set up properly to protect your hard-earned assets.

As we regularly act for liquidators and receivers, we spend a lot of our time chasing down hidden assets and money. Sajen Legal know what works and what doesn’t when it comes to asset protection. If you want to protect your business, make use of the Sajen Legal experience now.

Business Restructuring Services

Sajen legal is widely recognised as the Sunshine Coast and surrounding regions’ only insolvency and bankruptcy law specialist; regularly acting for local and national insolvency practitioners (receivers and managers, liquidators and bankruptcy trustees), government agencies, trustees, executors, corporations and individuals in insolvency, bankruptcy disputes, litigation and restructuring matters.

The firm advocates the early management of disputes to engender a quick and agreeable resolution. Sajen Legal’s litigation department has been successful in obtaining substantial damages and compensation, injunctions and ancillary relief in large and complex commercial disputes, as well as assisting clients in international and foreign legal proceedings.

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Company Structuring

Getting your company structure right from the commencement of your business is important to your long term success. If the ownership structure is not correct it can put at risk your assets and have taxation issues as a result of a lack of planning. The most common business structures are sole trader, partnership and proprietary limited company. continue reading

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