The Moon Group

Client Profile: The Moon Group

Luke Mooney is the Founder & Managing Director of The Moon Group. Based out of Beerwah on the Sunshine Coast, they specialise in finance solutions. Their services include home loans, vehicle and equipment leasing, financial planning and property. Luke took 5 with our team to tell us a bit more…

Tell us a bit about The Moon Group…

Our Mission is a simple one really.

At The Moon Group we create effective financial solutions for our clients, we enable them to acquire more assets, reduce more debt & enjoy a better quality of life.

When and how did your business get started?

I started in finance working for a local bank & decided quite early that I wanted to be in lending and after no opportunities at my branch I left to become a mortgage broker at the age of 21… the rest is history.

What are your business goals?

Our goal is to grow The Moon Group to 5+ brokers and to be settling $100,000 million+ per year in lending.


Favourite holiday destination?

Bali – I love the people, love the weather, and the $1 beers are pretty handy too!

Favourite local restaurant?

Mrs Browns Espresso & Bar (Beerwah) – Best tapas and cocktails on the Coast!

Favourite musician or artist?

The Preatures – super cool and cruisy beats.

Leave us with some words of inspiration. What is your favourite quote?

No guts, no glory, no legend, no story…

More About The Moon Group

Phone Number: (07) 5439 0389



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